Revenir, Retourner, Rentrer...
Fun fact: There are more French words for "to return" than the Inuit have for "snow"... because that's not confusing at all. REVENIR: To return to where the speaker is Example: "Je sors faire du shopping. Je vais revenir bientôt." Translation: "I will return soon." RETOURNER: To return to where the speaker is not Example: "J'ai quitté le travail pour le lunch. Je vais retourner bientôt." Translation: "I will return soon." RENTRER: To return home Example: "Je sors visiter mes chums. Je vais rentrer bientôt." Translation: "I will return soon." RENVOYER: To return something Example: "Tu m'as lancé ton football. Je vais le renvoyer bientôt." Translation: "I will return it soon." REMBOURSER: To return borrowed money Example: "J'ai du emprunter son cash. Je vais le rembourser bientôt." Translation: "I will return it soon." RÉPONDRE: To ...